Throughout time, many cultures have come to understand there is a direct link between health and spiritual wellbeing. Pain, be it physical, mental or emotional, is a flashing signal that something is out of balance. The energetic imprint of trauma, whether personal or generational, can disconnect a person from their spirit. Their inner wisdom is overshadowed, creating profound pain and suffering. By clearing the energetic scar through direct intention, ceremony, song or prayer, the disjointed or shattered pieces of a person’s spirit can re-connect. The letting go of pain and trauma can be likened to a butterfly emerging from its cocoon, a somewhat painful but necessary process. This can sometimes bring up feelings of fear, disassociation, or even anger. But through guided support, and attuned facilitation, a profound transformation can occur. 

This service is offered to those in need of clearing trauma. May also be helpful for those with long term illnesses or chronic pain that allopathic medicine has a difficult time treating. If you are under the care of a Therapist, this service is not in place of professional therapy. We do not recommend the use of psychotropic substances, nor do we advocate any medication alterations. Please speak with your medical professional if you intend to change your course of treatment. We cannot diagnose or prescribe, we are here to facilitate re-connecting you to your higher self. Devon utilizes a wide variety of tools cultivated through 20 years of her own healing journey. Through attuned intuition and groundedness, she is able to be present with those who have faced great adversity.


Devon Parker has lived a remarkable, unconventional life. Her parents taught her how tomeditate when she was 5 years old, and by the age of 12 had traveled to over a dozen different countries. During a very tumultuous, death-defying teenage era, Devon found herself in the midst of a healing crisis. She was introduced to a wide variety of spiritual teachers, healers, and medicine people to navigate a dark night of the soul. Her parents were connected to many spiritual teachers including Maharishi, Papaji, Ekhart Tolle, Mother Meera, Saniel Bonder, Howard Badhand, Byron Katie and others. 

A friend referred Devon to Tibetan Cranial Master teacher Shar Lee and after just one session, she saw an immediate shift in deep wounds and patterns she spent years desperately trying to overcome. Shar informed Devon she “had the pulse to do this work.” The idea at the time seemed unfathomable to help others as she was struggling to find balance within herself. She began training and apprenticing with Shar, and through time and dedication was able to transcend her own trauma to become a “wounded healer.” With an acute sensitivity to pain, and direct experience navigating emotional trauma, she used her own experience and spiritual awakening to help others with a similar story. After much practice, in 2005 Devon became a practitioner of Tibetan Cranial. She spent the next decade working with people recovering from PTSD, TBI, sexual trauma, wounded warriors returning from Iraq and Afganistan, MS, strokes, and many other issues. Devon witnessed first hand the diverse and direct impact of Tibetan Cranial.  

Devon spent the last 20 years deeply involved in Traditional Lakota ceremonies. She believes that the combination of Tibetan Cranial and the “Red Road” (sweat lodge, vision quest and sundance) helped put her spirit back in her body. Healing the trauma from her childhood and beyond. Through sacred songs, sweat, and sacrifice, a groundedness and openness was remembered. Devon worked directly with the Lakota people on Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, participating in “Hamblecha” or “to seek a vision” annually (4 days seated in a designated place in the woods with no food or water), and spent many years learning the songs, protocols and traditions for their sacred ceremonies passed down through many generations. These songs helped her find her voice again after the traumatic experiences she suffered in her youth. Through these ancient songs one can gain a deeper connection to the Great Mystery (Wa ma ska ska).  After 10 years of incredibly challenging spiritual tests she fulfilled her commitment to the red road and became a “Pipe carrier” or Canupa carrier which in short is a solemn pledge to live in service of others for this lifetime and beyond. 

In 2007 Devon attended a 12 day retreat with Geshe Chongtul Rinpoche of Bon Shen Ling to study rare ancient traditions of the Tibetan Bon lineage. This transmission helped to deepen her connection with mantra, Tibetan yogic exercises and Bon Phurpa teachings used to channel healing energy, perform soul retreival, and harness sound for specific healing purposes. Since then, Chongtul Rinpoche has mentored her individually over the years remotely and has been an important source of spiritual teachings, guidance and refuge. This has helped her connect into the Tibetan lineage on a deeper level. >> INSERT PHOTOS OF BON LAMA 

Devon Parker does not claim to be a shaman, or a medicine woman, she prefers to refer to herself as a common woman who has navigated deep personal wounds and come through the other side. Like the buffalo that walks head first through the storm, Devon hopes to help usher people through the fog of suffering towards a remembering of their own inner wisdom and divinity.