Manual Lymphatic Drainage is the application of light, flowing strokes of massage in specific patterns with the goal of alleviating lymph edema.The lymphatic system is the system of the body that helps maintain fluid levels in the body, circulate lymph fluid, fight off infection, and helps circulate blood
Lymphatic massage, also called Lymphatic Drainage or Manual Lymphatic Drainage, used to be a shy, yet powerful little modality that was almost unheard of outside certain circles. But with the increase in social media use came the boost in popularity of cosmetic surgery and, by proxy, Lymphatic Massage.Spend ten minutes researching plastic surgery on Instagram and not only will you come away with a short list of #bodygoals, you’ll know that your future liposuction, breast augmentation, or Brazilian butt lift should be followed with a regimen of post-op Lymphatic Drainage Massage. But now that the treatment has become more mainstream, a lot of poseurs have swarmed the field. Several new therapies have popped up—all calling themselves Lymphatic Massage—confusing millions of scared, achy post-oppers who are just trying to get the swelling under control and recover from surgery in peace.

The lymphatic system is the system of the body that helps maintain fluid levels in the body, circulate lymph fluid, fight off infection, and helps circulate blood.

The lymph nodes remove the waste and circulate clean lymph fluid through the body. Lymph nodes contain white blood cells called lymphocytes .Lymph is a clear fluid contained in the lymph nodes that helps filter proteins, waste, and metabolizes cells in the body. The lymphatic system is a part of the healing process, and helps remove toxins from the body under periods of stress. When the lymphatic system is not working properly, excess fluid can build up called edema. Clearing this fluid is crucial to restoring normal functioning of the body.
Things like illness, healing from infection, surgery, and emotional stress can all affect the lymphatic system. Lymphatic drainage massage was originally developed to treat lymphedema (literally, lymph swelling), a condition of accumulated lymph fluid in the body. Overall, this has benefits such as: supporting healing, relaxation, relieving stress, reducing scar formation, boosting healing responses, and reducing swelling and fluid retention in the body.

Devon has taken multiple advanced Manual Lymphatic drainage classes over the last several years. She has seen an immediate effect with her clients recovering from surgeries such as joint replacements, traumatic injury, Long Covid, digestive issues, and Auto-immune-deficiencies. She has also worked with many women after elective surgeries such as breast augmentation or reduction, tummy tucks and liposuction that can often cause fluid retention and discomfort long after the procedure. By clearing the lymph system the body can begin to regain range of motion and increase normal functioning.