Orthopedic/Therapeutic Massage Therapy is a precise approach utilizing thorough examination and treatment of the body’s soft tissues using regionally oriented protocols such as postural analysis, gate assessment, and correction of postural deviations and dysfunctions. These time-tested, hands-on techniques are built upon a clinical, rehabilitative foundation. Neuromuscular Therapy, Trigger point therapy, Myo-fascial release and other methods are frequently included to help integrate Therapeutic Massage into mainstream medicine, integrative medicine, chiropractic care, athletic settings and multidisciplinary clinics worldwide.

Orthopedic and Therapeutic massage is highly effective for clients who present with chronic pain and is often successful in reducing or eliminating even longstanding painful conditions. Some of the techniques can also be applied to acute injuries and for post-surgical care. Many find it helpful to improve performance in sport or dance and to prevent injuries from occurring.