Mayan abdominal massage is a gentle external massage that helps guide organs back into proper positioning and enhances the flow of blood, lymph, nerve impulses and chi in the abdomen
Increased flow restores balance and allows the body to heal. This powerful treatment is a lineage of knowledge widely practiced among the Curanderos (healers) and Midwives of Belize, Guatemala and Mexico.

Uterus at the Center of Healing
The uterus is made to move and be responsive to the changes of our lives. It sits behind the public bone, in front of the rectum and leaning slightly over the bladder. It is supported by the pelvic floor muscles and the vaginal wall with space to grow through each menstrual cycle. The uterus is tethered by 5 sets of ligaments, which stretch to accommodate a growing baby. And because of its flexibility, it can be bumped out of place – by an accident or pelvic injury, habitual one-sided activities, heavy lifting, multiple pregnancies and difficult births, sedentary or over-active lifestyles. The Maya people – and many other indigenous cultures around the world – have always understood this. Their healers believed that when the womb was off center, the entire being was affected. No healing session was complete without abdominal massage.
Mayan Abdominal Massage is an ideal treatment for:
- painful, irregular menses or ovulation
- premenstrual syndrome (PMS)
- low back and pelvic pain
- headaches and dizziness with menses
- chronic urinary tract infections,
- chronic miscarriage, difficult pregnancy, infertility
- painful intercourse
- endometriosis, endometritis
- uterine fibroids
- ovarian cysts
- hysterectomy and difficult perimenopause and menopause
- Falls, carrying heavy burdens, car accidents and difficult childbirth can all contribute to a tipped or prolapsed uterus.
- Prostate problems, Erectile Dysfunction and Impotence (Yes it’s good for men too!)
- Scar tissue and surgical recovery
- Digestive disorders of all kinds
- Prep for IVF and IUI
- Post- abdominal surgery
- Endured past abdominal trauma such as sexual abuse
- Support with drug-free fertility treatments
- Unexplained abdominal pain

Mayan Abdominal Massage for women of all ages:

- Anticipating a young maiden’s “first moon” (menses)
- Experience menstrual, ovulation, abdominal and/or pelvic pain
- Optimize wellness before, during and after pregnancy
- Recover from abdominal surgery including Cesarean birth and hysterectomy
- Find peace in and after menopause
When is the best time to schedule during my cycle?
Please do not schedule when you expect to be menstruating. If you are actively inviting a baby into your life, it’s best to come in between the end of menses and ovulation or after the 20th week of pregnancy to experience a full treatment.
How often should I come in
If you are hoping for a pregnancy in the near future, it is ideal to schedule at least 3 menstrual cycles before trying to conceive to allow for maximum benefit of the work, though we will work with you where you are at. Maya abdominal therapy is not recommended if you have abdominal pain not yet evaluated by your primary health care provider. If you have an intrauterine device (IUD), sessions will be modified to avoid massaging over your uterus. The first appointment varies in length depending on how much time is needed for intake and education, though all sessions include self care massage instruction to continue at home.

A 60-minute follow up appointment is recommended in the following month, with monthly sessions for the 2 following months. After that time, we will reassess.
Sessions before the 20th week of your pregnancy are generally not recommended.
What to Expect
Initial visits:
1.5 hours long. They include a comprehensive intake, physical assessment, treatment and education for self-care between sessions.
During a Session:
You will be unclothed and draped as you would for a regular massage. The uterus sits just above the pubic bone, so we will be working quite low to begin with. The massage eventually covers the entire abdomen, stimulating circulation of blood, lymph and nerve impulses to all organs. Sessions always include massage to the back, hips and sacrum. This improves nerve flow to abdominal and pelvic organs, supporting proper uterine placement, and aligns your pelvis for your comfort and freedom of movement.
A self massage routine is taught to help support the re-positioning and healing needed. We recommend that you do this 10-minute massage every day between professional sessions. Daily massage improves and accelerates results.
Supportive Modalities:
Castor oil packs, herbal formulas, peri-steams and variations on the traditional belly-wrap called a “faja” may be needed.
Follow-up appointments:
Every 2-4 weeks. Plan on at least three of these 60-minute sessions for best results.
Fertility support:
We work collaboratively with your physician(s) and/or fertility specialists to support the wisdom of your body’s natural rhythm. The combination of professional guidance and self-massage can be essential tools to help bring the body back into alignment.
When it comes to getting (and staying) pregnant, Mayan Abdominal massage addresses several aspects of the Sacred Womb that are ignored by typical medical approaches. Often, there are unexpressed and repressed emotions stored in the womb. We provide a safe supportive space to process and release deep emotional wounds associated with Sexual trauma, physical injury, fertility challenge trauma, etc. No matter what the trouble or condition, self-acceptance is essential to healing and positive change. Rather than focusing on what’s wrong or how it seems your body has betrayed you, by listening to and honoring your body’s story, deep healing can occur.


In 2014 Devon traveled to Guatemala where she lived and studied with a gifted Mayan healer Gloria “Panchita” Guaran-Salazar, observing and assisting with her patients. She learned Mayan Abdominal massage and other ceremonial aspects of Mayan healing. She was honored and grateful to be welcomed into such beautiful powerful traditions and walks with reverence and humility amongst those who carry direct ancestral lineages of wisdom. Devon has worked with many women experiencing fertility issues, recovery from miscarriage, post-partum support, ovarian cysts, endometriosis, menopause and other reproductive issues.